I used to date a guy who always called me 11. When I asked why, he said because, on a scale of 1 to 10, I am always at 11. lol
If you do not know this about me, I consider myself very aware of how we are all connected through the energy in this Universe. I feel that connection on almost a physical level. And often I follow that connection, and in doing so, I attract people who are deeply aware of it too.
One of the layers of awareness is numbers and the energy that numbers bring. I’m so into numbers…some more than others.
Did you know that in numerology 2018 is a number 11 year? 11 is an amazing number as it represents the doors to a new level of consciousness. Google it. I definitely feel it this year, in my personal life and in my business too. This year also coincides with it being the 100th anniversary of Sheikh Zayed, whose picture is on one of my vision boards from a few years back and at my desk since the beginning of this year.
I look at him every day, reminding me of the importance of the work I do too.
This year has been phenomenal for me as I’ve finally managed to publish my book that has been in the making for 6 years and to launch PASSIONABILITY, the experiential learning event for the first time this last May and again this December. And on a personal level, I had a close encounter with cancer that I managed to dodge by proactively supercharging my immunity. And this was not the first time I’ve had this close encounter.
I embrace 2018 and am forever grateful for all it brought me.
I trust myself and I take action confidently knowing that my journey is taking me closer and closer to the life of my dream and completing my mission – which is to build a love generation Powered by Passion. Because when you live out your passions you are happy and happy people change the world. So imagine what a whole generation of passionate, happy people can do?!?
See my mission is clear and it is only when you are clear, that you will have clarity showing up in your life. All of this happened because I plan for my year in advance. I’ve done that ever since I was in university and now I have it as part of my non-negotiable things to do as I close one year and start another.
This is what I want for you. I hope you allow me to guide you through PASSIONABILITY this 8th of December. If you do, then you will have one hell of a strong finish for 2018 and you will be prepared like never before for 2019. Let’s make 2019 your year of passion and the ability to live your life in alignment with your passions, values, and goals, and let us turn your dreams into reality. Many have done it before. Nothing is impossible.
This is what I want for you. Are you in?
If you are nodding your head or saying yes, then I’ve got great news for you. Since today is Be You International’s 6th anniversary, take action now and I’ll slash the regular package price for my event from 2,047aed to 1,100aed ONLY. Yes, there’s that number 11 again!!!! I’m extending this discount for 2 DAYS ONLY this Thursday 28/11 and Friday 29/11 and it’s for cash or direct deposit payments only. (Details of how to pay are in the link above.)
If any of this resonated with you, then I know that you will be attracted to my world and that I’ll be seeing you on the 8th of December! 8…that’s another number I love. STOP gambling your years away without passion and START taking charge of your life and where you are heading.