Every December is when people remember that they made a resolution list the previous December, and they fidget around trying to remember where they kept it. Of course most people, won’t even remember that they made a list… or they will get this sense of déjà vu… as in: “Ahhh…Why do I have this feeling that I’ve done this before. I made a list of things I want to do in the new year I just don’t remember where I put it! Did I really make a list or am I just imagining it?”

The popular practice of writing resolution lists is admirable, but useless. A goal must have components that form a compelling vision which pulls us towards it. A resolution list is normally action-oriented and lacks flexibility or emotion and therefore little to no action takes place. We set resolutions that are lifeless. Popular advice also says we must learn to set S.M.A.R.T goals—Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely.
But even that can be lifeless and lacking emotion.
What I propose and have been coaching my clients about for years is that we must first start with clarity, focus and with a huge WHY behind anything we decide we want to be, do and have in our new year. And only then do we figure out the HOW. I like the idea of designing a juicy M.A.P – Massive Action Plan, to get them done.
And that is exactly what we will do together in my upcoming experiential learning event to get our 2025 started with the right vibe!
I will be giving you my all at the Life Design Retreat this 25-1-25 to make you jump with joy next December and say it has been YOUR BEST YEAR EVER!!!
Just in case you are one of those who never does any prior planning or if you are the type who has it all in their head, allow me to tell you why this is important through these commonly asked questions.
Why do I have to have a WHY?
There are two factors that will give you your why—pain and pleasure. Your ‘why’ is most powerful when tied into identity and who you want to be rather than just what you want to achieve. When you surround yourself by like-minded people, you can support each other and can set and accomplish some powerful things.
Why should I set goals?
We live in such a fast-paced and changing world that we can get comfortable quickly. Comfort zones are dangerous places, we don’t grow inside our comfort zones. It’s that comfort that can drown us in mediocrity. Goals are a way to consciously decide where we want to go. They keep us from being trapped. So many times, we give up on our dreams, but goals that are powered by passion, can re-awaken those dreams.
What level of accountability do I need to succeed?
The best form is when you hire someone to keep you on track like a life coach, a personal trainer, a nutritionist etc…The next best form of accountability, and my favorite, is from buddies and people you surround yourself with who care to support and cheer and celebrate you and your goals and your success! And this is what LIFE DESIGN RETREAT, is guaranteed to provide you. Lifelong friendships may develop that have started as accountability buddies. Get leverage on yourself. Invest in accountability.
What do I do when motivation sinks?
Motivation can be intrinsic or extrinsic. When you set your goals the right way, then you have taken care of the intrinsic part. But when it wanes, and that happens to the best of us, it would be an excellent idea to be surrounded by amazing people who will kick your b*** back onto the road of your life vision and even walk along with you until you’ve picked up speed and momentum to get to your finish line. Our community will be the right environment for you to grow, achieve, create and know that there is no giving up and no turning back. The show must go on!
Join a guided, immersive experience to reflect on your year, release what does not serve you, unearth surprising insights, reframe your life’s narrative, and start 2025 with a clear, heart-based roadmap for goals that nourish your soul.
My hope for you this January is to spend some quality time with yourself and dig deep into what kind of life you want to create for yourself. You need to have the bigger picture clarified and from there, plan your new year. May 2025 truly be your best year ever.