Be You International
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Assertiveness 101: How to Be Confident and In Control at Work

If you’ve ever felt like you’re not being heard at work, or that your opinion doesn’t matter, you’re not alone. Many people feel this way, especially when they’re new to a job or are working with a difficult boss. However, there are ways to be more assertive and confident in the workplace.

One way to be more assertive is to speak up when you have something to say. This means being willing to share your thoughts and ideas, even if they might be different from those of others around you. It can also help to make sure that your voice is heard by speaking up loudly and clearly, without yelling or speaking too softly.

Another way to be more assertive is to stay calm and in control when things get stressful. This means keeping your emotions in check, even when someone is trying to provoke you. It can also help to have a solid plan for how you’ll respond to difficult situations. This will help you stay focused and in control, no matter what’s happening around you.

Being more assertive can be a challenge, but it’s worth it when you’re able to stand up for yourself and get your voice heard. With time and practice, you’ll be able to confidently express yourself in any situation.

Today, we’ll discuss some tips on how to be more assertive and in control at work.

Three women sitting around a boardroom table talking to eachother

What is assertiveness and why do we need it in the workplace

In order to be assertive, we need to first understand what it is.

Assertiveness is the quality of being self-assured and confident without being aggressive. It is the ability to stand up for yourself and your beliefs while respecting others. We need assertiveness in the workplace because it allows us to effectively communicate our needs and wants, set boundaries, and build relationships.

The Benefits of Being Assertive in the Workplace

Being assertive in the workplace has a lot of benefits. When you’re able to confidently get your point across, people are more likely to listen and take you seriously. Additionally, assertiveness can help build your confidence and make you feel more in control of your career.

Being assertive allows you to maintain control without being aggressive. This is a valuable skill to have in the workplace, as it can make interactions with coworkers and superiors more positive. Additionally, being assertive can give you a boost of confidence, making you feel more capable of achieving your goals. It’s important to be able to stand up for yourself and know your worth in order to be successful in any field.

Ways to be More Assertive in the Workplace

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits of being assertive and how to overcome any struggles, let’s talk about some specific ways you can be more assertive in the workplace.

One way to be more assertive is to use “I” statements. For example, instead of saying “You need to fix this,” try “I would appreciate it if you could fix this.”

A woman in a white shirt standing cross armed

Another way to be assertive is to be direct. This means getting straight to the point without beating around the bush. For example, instead of saying “Can I ask you for a favor?” try “Can you do X for me?” Directness shows that you value your time and that you’re confident in what you’re asking for.

Finally, one of the most important ways to be assertive is to listen. This may seem counterintuitive, but it’s essential to be assertive. When you listen, you show that you value others’ opinions and that you’re willing to compromise. Additionally, listening can help diffuse difficult situations and make it easier to find common ground.

Tips for staying in control during challenging conversations or situations

  • When you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed, it can be difficult to stay in control. However, there are a few things you can do to make it easier.
  • First, take a few deep breaths and try to relax. This will help you clear your head and focus on the task at hand.
  • Next, keep your body language open and relaxed. This means avoiding crossed arms or clenched fists, which can make you appear defensive.
  • Finally, remember that it’s okay to take a break if the situation is too much for you. If you need some time to calm down, let the other person know and step away for a few minutes.
  • Assertiveness is a valuable skill that can help you feel confident and in control at work. With some practice, you can learn how to be assertive in any situation.

Dealing with Difficult Co-Workers or Managers

A woman leading a meeting
Manager woman leading a brainstorming meeting with a group of creative designers in the office. Leader and business concept.

In any job, you’re bound to run into a difficult co-worker or manager at some point. When this happens, it’s important to stay calm and assertive.

First, try to understand where the other person is coming from. This can be difficult, but it’s important to remember that everyone has their own perspective. Once you understand where they’re coming from, it will be easier to find common ground.

Next, keep your communication clear and direct. This means avoiding any passive-aggressive language or sarcasm. Instead, state your needs and wants plainly.

Finally, don’t be afraid to set boundaries. If someone is crossing a line, let them know in a firm but respectful way. For example, you could say something like, “I’m not comfortable with that. Please stop.”

Learning how to be assertive with difficult people can help you feel more in control of your career. With some practice, you’ll be able to handle any situation that comes your way.

So, we’ve talked about the benefits of being assertive, how to overcome any struggles and some specific ways you can be more assertive in the workplace. We’ve also discussed tips for staying in control during challenging conversations or situations. Finally, we’ve looked at how to deal with difficult co-workers or managers.

The bottom line is that being assertive is a valuable skill that can help you feel confident and in control at work. With some practice, you can learn how to be assertive in any situation.

It’s important to remember that there isn’t one right way to be assertive – find what works best for you and stick with it!

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